Thursday, September 17, 2015
5:17 AM 13

CEPAT SEBARKAN...!! Video bekas US Navy buang Al-Quran ke Lantai ketika berpidato...Laknatullah

Bekas tentera US Navy Seal Ben Smith melempar Al-Quran ke lantai ketika berpidato. Rakaman video Ben Smith telah tersebar di Youtube dan dilaporkan, Rabu (29/1).

Dalam rakaman 3 minit 23 saat itu, Ben Smith menuduh Presiden Amerika Syarikat Barack Obama dan pemerintahannya adalah Marxis menyamar yang membiayai Al-Qaeda, Ikhwan Muslimin dan Arab Spring untuk membentuk negara Islam di Timur Tengah.

Propaganda sayap kanan itu kemudian melemparkan Al-Quran ke lantai dan disambut dengan tepuk tangan dari penonton.

Dia juga mengatakan bahawa Obama tunduk kepada raja Saudi dan bekerja sama dengan Iran dan menuduhnya bersalah atas pengkhianatan.

Ben Smith juga mengatakan Islam disebarkan dengan jihad, tidak ubahnya seperti Nazi.



  1. THis man is too smart so he forget what has he done in midle east brought his weapon tp shot all men/women the he think they're enemy. Is that american problem to join the war in midle east??? Haa'???? The unswer is only one "american create the war"
    Remember "the right thing is still right eventhough people (like you) said it wrong, and the wromg thing is still wrong eventhougt people (like you) said it right.


  3. We also can burn the Bible, it does not matter, because the bible is not the last book in the world, the Qur'an is the last and bring blessing to mankind, these ex navy seal man is stupid.

  4. he's misled by propagandas by his countrymen own making. You'll never heard a muslim does that kind of thing to other religous books because he redpects other religions. Islam is the religion promoting peace not hatred. Spend your time to browse the Quran and you'll find wonderful things about Islam including about humanity.
